You deserve quality care and a therapist that you feel comfortable with.

Jorge Mendoza Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas

I want to share about myself so you can decide if we will be a good fit.

Hi, I’m Jorge Mendoza, a licensed professional counselor in Texas, and with more than half a decade of professional practice, I have the skill you need to put the pieces of your life in an order that makes sense for who you are and what your goals are in life.

I have been a practicing therapist long enough to know how to support you without being in the field for so long that I’ve forgotten why it matters. Just because you’ve been in therapy before doesn’t mean you’ve had therapy like this, with me.

I help my clients break the barriers that hold them back so they can build the connections they want. 

I want to help you, too.

Jorge Mendoza Therapist in Texas

My Story

Hi, I’m Jorge Mendoza, a licensed professional counselor in Texas. I have been fascinated with the human experience throughout my entire life. The root of this fascination, for me, has been the desire to understand myself. I seemed to know it implicitly then, and I know now, that without looking inward at the way we experience the world, we lose sight of the importance of our emotional role in our own lives. 

During my teen and young adult years, this passion for psychology moved from an avid curiosity to an academic pursuit. My clinical training has become a landscape to explore the “why” of the human experience and what it means on an individual level for myself and the clients who come to see me. This has informed who I am as a therapist and the authenticity that drives each therapeutic encounter. 

There is no question I’ll ask you that I wouldn’t ask myself. I am always looking to challenge myself and grow my self-awareness in order to show up authentically when I’m in these therapeutic spaces with you. This work doesn’t end; more than anything, it has allowed me to become clear on who I am and who I am uniquely equipped to serve.

Though I have been trained in CBT techniques, relying solely on the surface work we can do won’t get you far. It’s not my style because I’ve seen how often it’s not what works for you. Therapy, in my opinion, is hands-on work. Emotional understanding paired with action. Yes, you’ll walk away with the intangible benefits of feeling like someone understands you, but you’ll also walk away with the skills to support you through the challenges you’ll face in the future. 

Finding both renewed emotional understanding and actionable strategies are the key to creating the safety you need to move toward the life you want, and that’s what gives me purpose.

My Values

  • Courage

    Being bold and brave is hard. Those words may feel at odds with the way you view yourself (and let’s be real, I get it, I struggle with viewing myself that way too sometimes), but courage isn’t about recognizing the growth you’re capable of. Courage is in the quiet moments and the decisions you make in striving to be the best version of yourself that you can.

  • Curiosity

    My favorite question is why and there are so many ways to ask it. Staying cognizant of the “why” moments in your life— internally and externally—can greatly impact how you experience the world around you. Therapy is a space to get curious and challenge your perception in a safe space.

  • Compassion

    You might already know exactly what’s holding you back. But knowing is only half the battle, and there can be a lot of guilt with feeling aware of that boundary and not being able to overcome it. Developing compassion for yourself, that knowledge, and the effort you are capable of is a powerful part of therapy.

  • Respect

    The foundation of your therapeutic experience begins with respect in every facet. That begins with respect for this investment you’re making in creating a better future for yourself. Beyond that, your humanity, autonomy, and emotional experiences will be respected in this space, at all times.

Models of Mending

Parts Work Therapy


You aren’t just one feeling or one motivation. You contain conflicting desires and ideas about how you should go about accomplishing your goals. And there is so much more to you than that bad day—or the good one. For some people, the pain of a particularly formative moment becomes a central theme in their lives, and it seems to take control for a while. But you are now—and always will be—more than any single emotion can contain. We will explore each part of you, independent of the rest, to mend the places you hold hurt.


Objective awareness of yourself, your thoughts, and those around you can change your whole world. Together we will build your skills of self-awareness of emotion, thought, and experience in a space that allows for objective observation and externalization, so you don’t carry your emotions as concrete experiences.


The Themes of Your Life


It’s easy to miss themes in life when you’re the one living it. If we meet and I notice that the last three feelings you expressed share a theme that may guide you towards the breakthroughs you’re looking for, you’ll be invited to talk about it. Together we can find the established patterns and common threads throughout your story to figure out what’s working and what’s not.

Regulation Before Reform


When you are lost in the fog of your feelings, you will not find sustainable growth. I’ve found that so many people lose the meaningful growth of therapy because it was only ever presented when we felt dysregulated. Ensuring you are regulated, with concrete coping skills in hand before we try to reform your life, is key to the way I work. 

Non-verbal communication 


You tell me more than your words. The way you focus, fidget, and express your feelings in body language during our time together is important to me. I prioritize awareness of the non-verbal ways we can communicate and invite you to pay attention to your body’s communication about your emotions along the way. 

I respect the presence of fear, but it should not dictate your growth.

There is a culture of leaning into comfort when we notice hard things in therapy. I’m not about that. In our work together, we will create discomfort. You will be challenged by new ideas, hard moments, frustration, and pain.

But I will not leave you in those spaces without help. We won’t avoid the hard things just because it’s easier. I don’t want that in my own life, and I don’t want that for you. Your life is worth more, and the cost is too high to carry that pattern of avoidance along with you.