

Attachment work will help you flourish in the now as you heal old hurts.

What’s the deal with attachment?

You’re here because somewhere, someone mentioned this word—attachment—and you’re secretly hoping it holds the key to some of the biggest heartache in your world right now. 

Whether you’re recovering from a string of unhealthy relationships, or wondering why you feel so disconnected from yourself and others, you can admit that your connections with others don’t feel easy, manageable, or how you imagine they should be. The relationships you do have seem to lack depth, although not for a lack of effort. You can recognize that you have a role to play here, but that insight feels so precariously balanced that you’re afraid to look too close.

spiderweb in between tree branches

Therapy for attachment issues is the starting point for meaningful connections

The experiences you had as a child inform the way you respond to the situations you’re in, the feelings you have, and the thoughts that guide you through life. In different contexts, those experiences may have caused you to develop responses that are no longer helpful to you. This programming is instinctual and can seem impossible to overpower, even when that’s what you want.

This desire for a secure, meaningful connection is natural, but that doesn’t make it any less scary. To help calm your fears, in our therapeutic work, talking about your attachment issues comes second to learning to bring a sense of calm to your physical and emotional system. When you learn to ground yourself and use self-soothing techniques in the presence of an attuned therapist, we can begin to look at the patterns from your past that have primed your responses to current challenges.

Benefits of attachment work as an adult 

  • A more secure sense of self 

  • Better conflict management skills

  • Improve focus

  • Decrease anxiety and depression

  • Healthier relationships

  • Reduced imposter syndrome at work

  • Take back your power and feel less helpless

  • Increased confidence

small waterfall in the middle of the forest
  • Attachment is the term for how you learn to love and be loved as an infant and into childhood. Your attachment style develops in childhood according to the experiences that initially formed your emotional ties to your caregivers and the world around you. The way you develop meaning from interactions, respond to emotions internally, and feel connected to yourself and others is all related to your attachment style.

    While we tend to associate these concerns with childhood trauma, attachment issues in adulthood are not limited to people who had unsafe childhood relationships, or to those who were harmed by their caregivers. A well-loved child may be cared for by someone who also has attachment issues that were never addressed, and this can perpetuate more attachment instability in adulthood.

  • There are four primary types of attachment- secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganized- that each has subtypes and categories beneath them. This is something that we’ll get into with more depth during our sessions.

    Attachment style matters but attachment work is what makes the difference. While we can talk terminology all day, your life will only change when we begin to dive deep into your personal story of attachment and its meaning for you.

    During attachment work, we will explore the roots of attachment and your personal history. You may find yourself returning to spaces of latent trauma and this work will align well with fostering that healing. Your attachment style may be a blurry combination or an oscillation of our attention to each part of you that requires healing. We will explore it all as a map of the terrain of your world, not a concrete table you have to fit into.

  • Attachment work is the right step for anyone who feels disconnected from others, and ultimately from themselves. Whether you’re feeling distanced from your loved ones, struggling to navigate family relationships, or wondering why your colleagues are so scared of you (yep, attachment shows up at work too!), attachment work can help.

    Some of the mental health issues that attachment work can help you move through are feelings of depression or anxiety, loss of control, fear of failure or abandonment, emotional unavailability, or psychological insecurity.

  • Attachment work isn’t just talk. This work is difficult and deeply rooted in the core traits of not only your identity but your worldview. You may feel particularly defensive or reticent to move into some of the spaces you’ll need to access for attachment work to be beneficial. For this reason, attachment work differs from other counseling styles because it asks you to be courageous and vulnerable at once. You must be ruthlessly honest with yourself and prepared to share that vulnerability in this therapeutic space.

    In turn for this incredible feat of power you’ll share, I’ll guide you through the complexities of attachment. My work as your counselor is to act as an interpreter for the signs and signals you may be missing to help you find the gaps and fill your empty spaces.

It goes beyond you 

Your attachment style has broader implications than the lens you view the world through. Doing this work can be truly life-changing as the way you see relationships, communication, and growth shift in response to your changing connections. Attachment style has a profound impact on your interpersonal relationships with family, friends, romantic partners, and even professionally. 

For people who are struggling with feeling connected to themselves and the world around them in ways that feel safe and sustainable, attachment work is the next step to a new world. 

Attachment work will help you flourish in the now as you heal old hurts. Get in touch today.

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