Let’s Get to Know Each Other

Welcome to Mending Experiences LLC! My name is Jorge Mendoza and as a licensed professional counselor I provide therapy services virtually in the state of Texas. People are often interested in knowing who a therapist is outside of their professional role. Given how much therapists asks their clients to share about themselves, it’s natural to expect some insight into who your provider is. My journey into mental health started, as most journeys do, with my own struggles. I always craved to understand not only myself but the people around me and what drives them. During my early teen years, I struggled with severe anxiety issues, but I was great at hiding it from others (typical “Type A” kid). However, when you bottle something up for so long it’s bound to eventually spill over.

What motivates me

My mental health journey taught me how devastating it is to internalize your problems, and how disconnected it can make you from the world. The disconnection we feel isn’t just to our external world, but to our internal world. We each have parts of ourselves that hold valuable information about what we’re experiencing. Whether it’s somatic, cognitive, or emotional each realm has deeper layers holding valuable insight into what needs mending.

Let’s connect

Take the first step to discovering and mending parts of yourself that have been longed ignored. Through individual counseling you can walk away with insight and skills to attend to the natural ebbs and flows of life. You may feel you’ve already tried without success, but the only guarantee that things will stay the same is when we stop trying. The most important relationship we have in our lives is with ourselves, so let’s get to work healing the connection with the inner you. Use the Get Started button to schedule your free 15 minute consultation call.


Intellectualization and Self-Compassion